Autumn Equinox - Shedding Layers

Shedding Layers

Autumn Equinox

22 of September, 2020

The end of Summer can bring a certain melancholy in the Northern hemisphere. The time under the sun, the pleasant heat, the light clothes, it all seems to linger very little on our calendar. Now, the days are a little shorter, the cold wind forces us to wrap up a little, the flowers are being replaced by dry leaves and seeds that fall and cover the ground. The trees are dyed golden, red, bright brown. Little by little, the Summer ends, and the Autumn Equinox marks this period of transition. Extroversion and abundance of heat now become dry air and the seeking of shelter.


The Inner Goddess, that powerful archetype that in Spring and Summer brings life, abundance and joy, now moves away from the solar field, walking in recoil, cooling the Earth, darkening the colours she steps on, changing her skin, peeling, replacing layers. She now distances herself from the celebration of the pulse of life. She changes her trajectory, walking slowly towards her Winter cave.

Nothing can be the same forever. Absolutely everything changes.

It is possible that this ending generates insecurity, resistance to change. We were not taught to let die what has to die. We were not taught the art of living the process of death. However, Nature does not regret it when the bark and leaves fall. Trees do not cry when their fruits rot ... after all, they open up and release the seeds from within. Nature knows that this is the beginning of introspection and the possibility of change. Flowers and fruits have had their time. What has been bloomed, ripened and harvested should be enough to go through the cold weather - barren only on the surface, because underneath the dry leaves, there is a lot of life happening. Ripening. Autumn.

Flowers and Fruits
Flowers and Fruits

One of the faces of the Inner Goddess who calls us now is that of the Reaper, who knows now this moment is necessary to start the movement of cuts, deaths, transformation. The one that tells us that our attachment needs to end so that we are worthy of this new movement. We call her La Que Sabe - The One Who Knows. She knows what our path has in store for us.

The serpent is a symbol of the Goddess, the Divine representative of Women in this world - the shedding of skin and the capacity for cyclical transformation are some of the reasons why she is this symbol. For us, it means that autumn is time to shed. Changes require waivers, letting go, letting the layers of stiffness fall. It requires us being snakes, leaving the dry scales that no longer serve us behind.

Autumn is an immense external representation of what is reflected internally: moving on, change, reaping, transformation, growth. The Goddess makes this movement possible for us, walking among the dry leaves and observing, attentively, what we need to let go at this moment.

What should you leave behind? What attachments needs to die within you?

Welcome, beautiful and golden Autumn. May our souls be able to make the movement that the Goddess asks of us this season: shedding old layers.

Autumn leaves
Autumn leaves